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Hockey East Association

General dating of pucks

There are multiple ways to narrow down puck dates based on the logos on the puck.  Here is some general information that pertains to pucks used in Hockey East.   Hockey East started in 1984 when several schools broke away from the ECAC.

Hockey East Membership.png

For the most part Hockey East game pucks have had standard logos, and have been mostly printed  on the InGlasCo/Sherwood line of pucks.  The HEA logo has shown up on pucks starting around 1990.  There are some variations not included in this brief guide.  Some of the data in in the 1990s is hard to validate.

Hockey East early 1990s BU.png

Pucks from the 1990s in Hockey East had a white circle with a blue Hockey East logo on them.  The smaller (left logo was earlier 90s (circa 90-94)  The lighter blue logo was most of the mid and later 90s.  There were also some variations on some of the years, but for the most part the logo remained pretty similar.

1998-1999 season saw a standardized 15 years of Hockey East logo on the reverse of all game pucks.  These pucks were all printed on InGlasCo pucks.

Hockey East 1998-99.png
Hockey East 2000-2003.png

From 1999 to 2003 Hockey East again had a standard logo.  All pucks were printed on InGlasCo pucks and bared this identical logo.  The design did not have the TM on the Hockey East Logo at this time.  This design was agin used for the 04-05 season and possibly 05-06

2003-2004 season saw a standardized 20 years of Hockey East logo on all game pucks.  Pucks were again printed on InGlasco.

Hockey East 2003-2004.png
Hockey East 2009-2013.png

Around 2005 the TM was added to the Hockey East logo.  This design was used up thru the 2012-13 season, not including the anniversary years.  These pucks were printed on InGlasCo and Sherwood pucks.

2008-2009 season saw a standardized 25 years of Hockey East logo on all game pucks. Each Hockey East logo was printed in the respective team's school colors.  Pucks were again printed on InGlasco.

Hockey East 2008-09 BU.png
Hockey East 2013-14 (BC, UMass).png

2013-2014 season saw a standardized 30 years of Hockey East logo on all game pucks. Each Hockey East logo was printed in the respective team's school colors.  Pucks were again printed on InGlasco (Slovakia) and Sherwood pucks.

2014-2018 saw a new design on the back of the pucks.  Most schools used Sherwood pucks these years.  There are a few game pucks and souvenir pucks that were printed on InGlasCo pucks.  (Vermont had identical puck designs on differernt puck types.  The InGlasco versoin was not the on ice puck.)

Hockey East 14-18.png
Hockey East 2018-19.png

2018-2019 season featured a 35 years of Hockey East Logo.  All teams had this on their game pucks in the identical colors.  Pucks were printed in Sherwood.

2019-2020 saw an updated reverse.  All teams used this identical design and all pucks were printed in InGlasCo pucks.  2019-20 also appears on the front of all of pucks.

Hockey East 2019-20.png
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